Tips to Improve Your Farmers Market Experience

The weather is finally heating up, which makes it an ideal time to visit your local farmers market.  If you’ve never been to one before or don’t know the do’s and don’t’s, we’re here to help!   Happy produce hunting!

Take Your Time

Farmers markets are not grab-and-go places, like grocery stores.  They’re places for human interaction and relationships – ones that give you an opportunity to stroll around and learn more about what you’re buying and what’s in-season.

Ask Questions

Farmers are a great resource, and shopping directly from them gives you an incredible advantage.  Ask them about their produce – like how it was harvested or what foods to best to pair it with.  Chances are, you’ll walk away with a treasure trove of information that you can put to good use!

Bring Cash

Want to make the purchasing process easiest on the farmers?  Bring cash, especially small bills. This speeds up the transaction and makes for happy customers in the line behind you.

Leave the Dog at Home

Most farmers markets do not allow dogs due to health and safety laws.  Even if yours does allow dogs, bringing it might make it harder for you to shop if you have to worry about what he or she is up to.

Don’t Haggle

Contrary to what you may think, farmers markets typically don’t encourage haggling over their produce.  Their prices are set with great care and consideration, and most of the time, they are sticking to them.  Instead of zeroing in on getting the best deal, pay attention to produce with the best quality.  This allows you to stroll through the entire market and see everything the market has to offer.