Spring Cleaning Tips

Source: www.eluxemagazine.com

The weather’s finally heating up, and there’s no better time than now to do a proper spring cleaning.  Giving the kitchen a good scrub-down might not be your idea of an exciting task, but it’s worth the effort.  Here are our tips to make your spring cleaning successful and less stressful.

Devise a Strategy

First, taken an honest look at everything in your kitchen.  This means food items, pots and pans, cooking utensils and glassware.  Then, trash all the things you don’t use anymore or that have expired.  Only after you’ve cleared the space may you proceed with the actual cleaning.  Finally, organize what’s left.

Clean from Top to Bottom

Once it’s time to actually get down and dirty, follow the top-to-bottom rule.  Dust and crumbs swept from counters and windowsills will eventually find their way to the floor, so focus on this area last.  This ensures you won’t have to turn your attention to surfaces you’ve already cleaned.

If in Doubt, Toss

Take a long hard look at your kitchen’s contents, and get rid of items you haven’t used or those that are empty or expired.  Anything you’re keeping around “just in case” has got to go.  That way, you can make room for things you’ll actually eat.  Set aside any seasonal items that only get used once or twice a year to be placed with other seasonal items in storage.  In addition, arrange like items together, placing oldest items in front, with the newest in back.

Set Aside the Time

Block out a whole day – not just a few hours – to do a proper spring cleaning.  The entire process will more than likely take you longer than you plan for, but it’s better to get it entirely out of the way than having to deal with it later.

Last, wipe down all shelves and countertops with soapy water, mop the floors and voila! You’ve got a kitchen ready to take on the rest of the year.