Kitchen Tips: Spring Cleaning, Anyone?

Keep your kitchen clean this spring, with these tips!

Spring is upon us and that means out with the old and in with new…It’s that time of year to go through your kitchen and rid yourself of all that’s sour and expired. With all of the fresh fruits and vegetables coming in season, it’s truly time for a fresh start. Relieve your pantry, your fridge, and even your drawers and cabinets, from all that left-over winter bulk. The sun is making its way back, so stop hibernating, and say hello to a clean spring!

First Things First: Clean Out Your Pantry and Your Fridge

It’s time to check the dates on ALL of your foods. Make sure to throw away anything and everything that either says it’s expired or looks and smells funky. The expiration date is helpful, but if your gut and your nose senses something off, throw it away. It’s not worth giving anyone food poisoning.

Canned foods may last a long time, but make sure to check for damage and leaking, they sure don’t last forever if the seal has been broken!

Almost Expired? USE IT NOW

If an expiration date is drawing close, it’s time to search for a recipe and use what you got. Don’t keep adding to your inventory, if you have food that’s dying to be used…literally! Lajollacooks4u has lots of recipes you could check out and get creative with right now!

Repackage Opened Perishables

If you open a cereal bag, pasta box, or vegetable can, but don’t empty it, make sure you transfer those goods to a resealable air-tight container. Containers, like tupperware or mason jars, will help keep food fresh way longer than a zip-tie or a food clasp would.

Move Your Nuts to the Freezer!

The freezer is a great place to store food you might not eat right away. Nuts, like all foods, tend to go bad faster in the heat. Store your nuts in the freezer, toasted or raw, to keep them frsh longer! Take them out for cooking and eating’s needed.

Speaking of the Freezer…

Throw away anything with those hard ice crystals attached to it! Freezer burn and ice crystals are not a good sign, and you should get rid of those tainted freezer foods now.

Clean Those Drawers! And Then Your Floor!

Go through your kitchen drawers and check for crumbs. The silverware drawer and the kitchen tool drawer always seem to get those leftover crumbs… avoid animal visitors coming out of their winter hibernations by cleaning up those crumbs. Make sure to check all of your drawers and even the back of your pantry, just in case something might of fallen out.

After you’ve cleaned out the crumbs from your cabinets and drawers, don’t forget to sweep and vacuum those hard to reach places on your floor. Move things around to be sure you really get in there! Just because it’s hard to get to, doesn’t mean you should ignore it!

Reorganize your Pantry/Fridge

If it’s new, move it further back, if it’s older, bring it to the front. Too often we restock our pantry and fridge, and put all the new fresh food closer to the front out of convenience. But convenience can be bad, especially if you’re wasting food! Don’t let yourself forget about the food you already have, by making sure to keep the oldest stuff closer to the front.

Get Rid of those Nasty Fruit Flies!

The fruit flies are coming! As the weather gets hotter, its time to start worrying about those pestering bugs. Keep a small glass of apple cider vinegar out to attract and kill flies. Take a small glass, fill it halfway with apple cider vinegar, cover it with plastic wrap, and then finally poke a few small holes in the plastic wrap. This way flies can fly in but they can’t get out, keeping your kitchen pest free!