Kitchen Tips: Pass the Paper Towel, Please!

At Lajollacooks4u, we are all about making the most of what we’ve got.

When it comes to resources, Lajollacooks4u hates to waste. That’s why we find so many ways to use the tools we keep stocked in our kitchen! Secret Tool of the Month: Paper Towels to the Rescue! While product ads might show paper towels as only good for wiping up messes, we have found so many other ways to use paper towels. Here are our top three suggestions for making the most out of this kitchen tool:

  1. Keep your cutting board from slipping and sliding – place a wet paper towel under your cutting board to keep it sturdy as you chop, slice and dice.IMG_5757
  2. All about the long-term preservation: place a paper towel on top of your lettuce and greens before wrapping with plastic wrap and storing. This will help absorb any moisture and keep your leafy greens green and leafy longer!IMG_5761
  3. Dry off your meats, such as chicken and fish, when they come out of the packaging. Using a paper towel to absorb the moisture from their packaging helps your meat to brown and sauté better as you cook.
  4. Eating greasy foods doesn’t have to mean having a greasy fingertips! Place your recently fried bacon, taquitos, and other greasy goodies on top of a paper towel to soak up that unwanted excess oil. images
  5. Class up your informal backyard BBQ or picnic with paper towel place settings. Just tightly wrap your plasticware in paper towels and then tie with twine or ribbon.wrapping-plastic-ware-for-parties-530x265