Kitchen Tips: Kick Back & Grill-ax

It’s Time to Kick Back & Grill-ax

Independence Day is upon us…and there is nothing that Americans love more than breaking out the grill and barbecuing everything! Hamburgers, hotdogs, fruits, veggies…you name it, we grill it. So this July we want you to perfect the process and work with your grill to make the best bbq out there…and all you have to do is check out these tips!


First things first…

Always bring your meat to room temperature before grilling. This helps your meat cook more evenly – which is essential for overall taste quality.

Be creative. Meat isn’t the only thing that can be grilled. Check out last month’s kitchen tips for more ideas on what else to throw on the grill. It’s got tips on grilling fruits and veggies…yum!

Grilling Tips…


      Direct & Indirect Grilling ~ Know when and whether to use direct or indirect grilling, it makes all the difference!

  • Direct grilling, or high to medium-high heat grilling, is perfect for those small or thin slabs of meat, like chicken breasts, hamburger patties, and steaks. This is the most typical style of grilling – as pretty much everyone can just throw a piece of meat directly on the grill with ease and watch the colors change…But it doesn’t work well with all protein.
  • Indirect grilling is ideal for cooking those extra large slabs, like ribs, large birds, pork shoulders, or briskets. Although this method may take longer, the tenderness of your meat will be so worth it! If you are using a gas grill, turn off the middle burner and put the other burners on low for indirect grilling. Chef Jodi recommends searing her meat first and then letting it cook slowly at a low heat, 250 – 300 degrees, until meat reaches desired tenderness.


      Cedar Plank Grilling ~ Utilize a cedar plank to add to the smokiness and aromatic flavor of your meat. Soak your cedar        plank in water for at least an hour to double the effect. (Check the latest grilling magazines and websites for your latest grilling styles…everything from salt block grilling to replacing coals with hickory/applewood smoking chips).

(This cedar plank method works great if you don’t have a smoker!)

      You Be the Judge ~ Make sure to judge your grill time accordingly as your meat continues to cook after you remove it from the grill. Tent your protein for a minimum of 10 minutes with aluminum foil a few minutes before its done to increase the flavor and juiciness.

After Grilling…

Always let your meat rest, for at least twenty minutes, before you serve it. Make sure to keep it under the foil tent in order preserve the heat and moisture before serving.

Treat your grill like a second oven…it’s versatile, makes for a delicious meal, and its the perfect way to bring the party outdoors!