Join Us for TWO Book-signings this weekend in Encinitas!

It’s a busy weekend for Lajollacooks4u!

First, we have a book-signing event at Savory Spice in Encinitas on Saturday, 9/24, where Chef Jodi will be whipping up her signature dishes from her best-selling cookbook.  Come on in from 12-2p to pick up your signed copy and shop around some of the freshest herbs and spices in North County!


Next, we have a cooking demonstration at The Spice Way on Sunday, 9/25.  Join Chef Jodi as she showcases how to prepare an Apple, Fennel and Pomegranate Salad with a honey citrus vinaigrette.  This simple, easy and delicious salad with be followed by a book-signing of her cookbook.  Don’t miss it!  To RSVP for this free event, please visit:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sept-25th-with-chef-jodi-abel-and-honey-tasting-event-tickets-27677314593
