Healthy Eating Over the Holidays


More than likely, you’re headed to some kind of holiday party over the next week or so.  Here are five helpful tips to enjoy the party and the food, without paying for it later.

  • In preparation for a big holiday party or feast, do not skip meals throughout the day as this may result in overeating. The best thing to do is eat breakfast and include lots of fiber throughout the day, such as fruits, veggies and whole grains.  This will satisfy hunger, yet be lower in calories than other food choices.
  • Don’t forget to manage your portion size! You can do this by using smaller plates to give the illusion that you’re eating more food than you actually are.
  • Skip the eggnog and go for a guilt-free alcoholic drink, such as a wine spritzer. Not only is alcohol packed with empty calories, but it can also lower your self-control over at the buffet table – so the key is moderation.
  • Start by filling your plate with fiber-rich salad and veggies. This way, you’ll feel fuller faster, lessening the chances you’ll overload on sugary sweets at the party.
  • If you don’t think there will be any healthy options at the holiday party you’re going to, eat before leaving home! Get in some good healthy protein and fats. This way, you can snack and still feel you have what you need to keep your body going all evening without indulging in things you’d prefer to avoid.
  • Don’t forget to drink water all day and during the party, as well. The more hydrated you stay, the better you’ll feel the next day!