Healthy Eating Over the 2020 Holiday Season

The holidays are about food, no matter how you celebrate them. And with this year being so different and much more “home-based,” it’s still important to eat healthy, nutritious foods.
Here are some tips to help you eat healthy during this unique holiday season:

Be Active
One of the most effective ways to maintain (or lose) body weight is to engage in regular, sustained aerobic activity. To offset any extra calories you may consume, turn up your exercise routine. This can also be your most effective stress-reduction tool to get through the holidays during a pandemic.

Load Up On Fruits and Veggies
Eating seven or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day is a great way to help fill your stomach without expanding your waistline. Plus, with the extra fiber, you’ll fill up faster than traditional snack foods. Looking for ways to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet? Visit our blog to peruse our delicious (and nutritious) California cuisine-based recipes.

Cheat a Little
It’s OK to cheat just a little every now and then. Allow yourself one small serving of a sweet or savory holiday treat or beverage every couple of days during the holiday season. After all, it’s all about balance, not deprivation.

Start New Holiday Traditions That Are Not Based on Food
This could be as simple as taking a daily family walk to look at holiday decorations. Holiday activities that aren’t food-based help take the attention off food, while also creating long-lasting family memories.

Never Go to a (Virtual) Party Hungry
Before you attend a virtual holiday party, eat a healthy snack, such as a serving of your favorite fruit or a handful of nuts, beforehand. This will keep you satiated and prevent you from stuffing yourself later.

Ultimately, it is possible to make smart, healthy decisions while still enjoying yourself. Have a safe and healthy holiday season!