Get Organized for Passover and Easter!

With April right around the corner, there’s no better time than now to start preparing for your Passover and Easter get-togethers.

Here are our tips on how to save time (and stress!) this spring holiday season:

Plan Ahead

There’s nothing worse than leaving something until the last minute.  Instead, plan your Passover or Easter menu in advance, so you can do your grocery shopping days before without feeling the need to rush.

Visit Your Local Farmer’s Market

Spring has sprung and now is the time to take advantage of the delicious seasonal produce!  Make a point to stop by your local Farmer’s market so you can see what’s in-season before you start planning your Passover or Easter menu.

Make a Cooking Schedule

Ask yourself, what can be done now? To cut unnecessary stress, start cooking days before the actual holiday – and then keep in the freezer.  Items, like soups and meats, such as brisket, can be frozen days before.

Plan Your Tablesetting

Presentation is important for your guests, so make sure you have extra plates, flower vases, serving platters and napkins, so you’re stocked and ready to go for the Big Day!

Get Rid of Clutter

As you cook and store your menu items, keep an eye out for what’s sitting in your fridge and pantry.  If items have expired, feel free to toss.  You don’t need things taking up space that don’t need to be there.

**Remember, organization is key when preparing a meal for special events and holidays.  It not only limits stress on your end, but it helps ensure your guests leave with a fun and memorable holiday experience.