Eight Ways to Simplify the Back-to-School Process

Source: SignUpGenius.com

It’s that time of year again!  Summer is at the tail end, and the kids are back at school.  But, as we settle back into our routines, there are some ways we can make our lives a little less hectic.

Here are our tips on how to get organized, so you can start the school year a little less stressed:

Empty Out the Pantry

It’s time to do a little spring cleaning!  Remove everything from your pantry and cupboards and toss anything out that has expired.  Reorganize each shelf and group categories of like items together.  Repeat the same process to the fridge so you can make room for the kids’ lunches and snacks.

Stock Up on Staples

Make sure you’ve got a pantry and fridge stocked with your must-haves, so that you don’t have to run to the grocery store every time you want to make a quick meal.

Utilize Plastic Storage Containers

Now that school is back in session, you’re undoubtedly going to be taking advantage of all your storage containers.  Match lids to bottoms and store containers in one common drawer – one that is easily accessible for packing lunches or storing weeknight leftovers.

Create a Master Shopping List

Make one exhaustive list of all the non-food items you rely on, such as plastic baggies, utensils and plastic wrap.  Add any replacement lunch bags, thermoses and plastic food storage containers your kids need, as well.  Then, as you do your shopping, consult that list and grab any of those items whenever you find them on sale.

Separate Lunch Food from Snacks

Pre-portion treats for after-school grazing, and set aside a “Snacks Only” area in the pantry or fridge — preferably low enough so that your kids can reach.  Also, designate a drawer in the fridge that is reserved solely for school lunches.  This way, when it’s time to pack lunches, there are still plenty of options left in the fridge.

Make a Menu

Hang the week’s menu in your kitchen so your family can get excited for what they’ll have for dinner.  This menu can also be used to jot down any items needed on your next grocery story run.

Plan Dinners in Advance

Managing your time well and staying sane during the busy school week is all about planning ahead.  Plan a week’s worth of dinners the day before you make your big weekly shopping trip.  That way, you’ll have plenty of food to feed your family by the time Wednesday night rolls around.

Use Freezer Space

Don’t be afraid to pack the freezer with dinner options that can be served later.  The next time you’re making a dish, double the recipe.  This way, you’ll have plenty of leftovers that you can toss in the freezer for another meal down the road.