Chef Jodi’s Passover Menu 2017


Passover begins this evening, so if you’re looking for some last-minute cooking ideas, read on for some inspiration!

For the First Course:

Matzoh Ball Soup
Homemade Fresh Fishcakes
Chopped Liver
Hard-boiled Eggs
Harosets – 2 kinds:  Sephardic and Askenazi

For the Main Course:

Braised smoked brisket
Roasted lemon chicken
Maple and cinnamon and cumin carrots
Roasted asparagus, fennel, mushrooms, sunchokes
Roasted Dijon/rosemary potatoes
Saffron quinoa with almond slivers

For Dessert:

Matza Toffee
Chocolate-dipped macaroons
Pavlova with cream and fresh fruit
Layered chocolate cake with mascarpone cream